You probably can't see it, but I have cereal all |
the way up to my EAR!!! I sure made a mess tonight! |
Momma & Daddy cannot believe how big I am in my |
swing! I used to drown in it! |
I'm a shrimp!!! Momma and I have started swimming |
classes at the Y! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pool!!! |
Man, do I hate this cold weather. |
I never see my hands anymore :( |
Just "chillin & relaxin" |
Check out how relaxed I look!! |
Asher after his bath... |
in his cute teddy bear robe |
Asher always wakes in the oddest positions |
Here he's wedged up on one side of the crib |
Oh, please don't wake me! |
I was so content sleeping. |
Asher is now rolling and wiggling across floors |
Here he moved under the table and played |
oh! I want my little Octupus!! |
Let's see if I can do this.... |
Reach....stretch.... |
get up on one side.... |
yeah!!! I got it!! |
| I'm on my tummy. What shall I do now? |
aha! I just roll back onto my back!!! I get it! |
But wait! Why is my octupus back over there? |
Asher's first experience with a sippee cup. |
He got water all over, and just likes to chew on the rubber |
Take a guess on what happened.... |
Yep! He threw it on the floor! |
Asher's first time in a highchair at a restaruant. |
He loved being able to see everything..... |
And REACH for everything!! |
Anything he can get his hands on! |
Asher reads the paper... |
Do we have a reporter, a politician, a teacher, or just a genius on our hands? |
nananananananana |
Batman |
I can almost sit! |
Happy Halloween! |
Bab-Bat! |
I can keep myself so busy with this thing! |
We call it the "flying saucer" |
Hi guys!! |
Could I be any cheesier!? |
heehee |
Asher flashes the world... |
after chewing on his sock. |
Mama, quit taking pictures and give me more food! |
This sock doesn't taste quite as good as those bananas. |
Nice and content... |
after a meal of bananas, sweet potoates, and sock. |
Daddy & Mudgie just chilling... |
"Talking sports" |