Asher can.....
Climb Stairs! On 1/3/05, at daycare he climbed up 8 stairs in one shot. That night at home,
he did 2...I think he was worn out!
Say a few words: He's been saying dadadadadada for quite a while now, however he doesn't look at Eric when
he says it, so we don't necessarily count it as a word. However, on Jan 2, 2005, he started bouncing to music and clapping
(as he always does), and said what we believe to be the word "DANCE!" whoo hoo. He might have said his first word!
Of all the words we say to him, I would have never dreamt "Dance" would be the first one.
As of New Years weekend, pull himself up into a standing position!!
As of the week before Christmas, Crawl!!!
Scoot on his tummy backwards. I even have seen him get up on his hands and toes, with his tummy lifted
off the ground. It won't be long now!
Give "high fives"! Eric is most proud of this one, because he taught him to do this. If you put
your hand up and say "high five", he will (3 out of 5 times), bring his little hand up to touch yours.
sit up for quite a long time! As of 11/11/04, he was sitting up for about 5 mintues with no major tumbles
(of course he flopped and wavered, and I set him back on track a couple times!)
roll over from tummy to back and from back to tummy, and roll to get to something, and roll to grab
Babette. He's quite the little roller!!!
Asher is eating food! Right now his favorites are (and it's everything
we've given him, as we haven't found anything he WON'T eat!